Dhamma Bodhi, Bodh Gaya
A satellite image map of the location of Dhamma Bodhi can be found here
The nearest Railway station is at Gaya Junction, which lies on several routes between important cities. For train timetables log on to http://www.indianrail.gov.in, click on "train between important stations". For return journeys, there is an Indian Railway booking kiosk at Bodh Gaya which opens daily ( perhaps with the exception of Sundays) from early morning till 2 PM.
Dhamma Bodhi Vipassana center is situated on Gaya-Dobhi Road, near the Magadha University, at Bodhgaya; Approx. 15 Km from Gaya. From Gaya (Railway Station), the center can be reached either by taxi or a scooter-rickshaw. A taxi to Bodhgaya should cost approx. Rs. 700/-, or a Scooter rickshaw about Rs.250/-, depending on the time of day. We do not recommend this journey be done during the late hours of the night; there is a newly refurbished waiting room at platform number-1 at the Gaya railway station where time can be spent till morning.
Distance from Bodhgaya center to the Vipassana center is a few kilometers, and there are plenty of taxis, cycle-rickshaws, and auto-rickshaws available (at approximately Rs.100/- per journey and less for shared "cabs").
The Gaya airport now receives local flights from major Indian cities including New Delhi and Varanasi. This airport lies on the road between Gaya and Bodh Gaya. A journey from the airport to Dhamma Bodhi should be approximately 15 minutes by taxi. A taxi to the centre from the Gaya airport should cost approx. Rs. 700/-, or a Scooter rickshaw about Rs.250/-, depending on the time of day. The Gaya airport also receives direct flights from Sri Lanka and Thailand.
The other airport is at Patna (112 km from Bodhgaya). There are several direct flights daily from Delhi and Kolkata. A taxi journey from Patna to Bodhgaya should cost approx Rs. 2500/-, and should take around three hours.
The nearest road public transport hub is Gaya ( a major point on the historical Grand Trunk Road). There are regular direct bus services to Patna, Nalanda, Rajgir & Varanasi. The Bihar State Tourism Development Corporation run buses on the Patna-Bodhgaya route twice a day.
Visitors to Dhamma Bodhi often use the services of private taxi operators like Ola Cabs or others, for which information is readily available on the internet, to arrange for Taxi Services between Patna airport/railway station and Dhamma Bodhi (Please note: Dhamma Bodhi is in no way liable for their services or actions). Typical one way charges to Dhamma Bodhi are approximately: from Patna, Rs.2500/-; from Gaya railway station, Rs.700/-.